

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or modify your appointment free of charge, please contact us at 514 271-7515 or proceed online via our website no later than 48 hours before your appointment.

For cancellations or modifications made less than 48 hours in advance, including same-day bookings, we may charge you a fee corresponding to the loss incurred, up to the total value of the care booked.

In the event that the service is paid for by gift card, the latter will be credited with the amount agreed in connection with the cancellation fee.

For series holders, there is the option of paying the cancellation fee via your credit card or having a session credited to your account balance.

Reservations can be made by phone, online, or in person. All our treatments and packages are available by reservation only.
You will need a valid credit card number to make an appointment.

Why does Spa Ovarium ask you for a credit card number as a guarantee to make an appointment?
This practice is widespread in the spa and hotel industry. It allows us to protect ourselves against possible last-minute cancellations or no-shows without a valid reason. Please note that your credit card number is inserted into your personal file, in a highly secure internal computer portal. For practical reasons, we can keep your credit card number in our system so that you do not need to provide it again at your next appointment. You can ask us at any time to remove your credit card number from our system.

Price and Promotion Policies
Prices are subject to change without notice. All prices displayed are excluding taxes.

On the day of your appointment
We recommend arriving at least 15 minutes before your appointment time. Out of courtesy to all clients, we will be obliged to shorten the duration of your treatment if you arrive late. The total cost of the treatments will still be charged to you.

Preserving the Tranquility of the Place
To respect the tranquility of the place, we ask you to turn off your cell phones and speak quietly at all times inside the Spa Ovarium premises.

Alcohol and drugs
The consumption of alcohol is not recommended before or during treatments. The consumption of drugs before and during treatments is prohibited.

We disclaim all liability for valuables left in treatment rooms.

Gift certificates and gift cards
Gift certificates are non-refundable and non-redeemable. Gift certificates and gift cards cannot be used to purchase another gift certificate or gift card.

Treatments for children
Spa Ovarium welcomes children from the age of 8. However, parental judgment is advised to assess the maturity of the child and their ability to receive treatments.

Persons under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian to be on the premises.

PSiO and NeuroSpa
The minimum age required to enjoy a PSiO and NeuroSpa session is 8 years.

Children under 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian in the room during the treatment.

Massage Therapy and Facial Treatment
The minimum age to receive a massage or facial treatment is 8 years.

Children under 14 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian in the room for the entire duration of the treatment, and the health assessment must be signed by the parent/guardian.

The minimum age to enjoy a floatation session is 11 years.

Children under 14 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian in the room for the entire duration of the treatment.

Floatation is not recommended for young girls who have not yet had their first period. Why? It’s simply a matter of vaginal pH.

Pregnant women
Pregnant women under 14 weeks must sign a waiver to receive prenatal massage.

Medical restrictions
When booking, please inform us of any specific health problems you may have. If you are subject to medical recommendations, allergies, or physical illnesses that may affect the choice of your treatments, we recommend consulting a doctor.


You must wait 48 hours after receiving your vaccines to receive a massage, as symptoms of nausea, fever, and soreness may occur during this time.

Massage can contribute to fever.

Acute Inflammation
It is not recommended to receive a massage during acute inflammation, as it can worsen your condition. It is therefore preferable to wait until the inflammation has subsided before getting a massage.

How do you know if you have inflammation? Inflammation is the result of recent trauma (injury). The affected area will be red and warm.

Phlebitis is due to the formation of a clot in the deep vein network of the lower limbs. It is not recommended to receive a massage, as the massage can dislodge the clot and cause more serious problems.

People with epilepsy cannot receive PSiO treatment, as flashing lights can trigger an epileptic seizure.

Pregnant Women
NeuroSpa is not recommended for pregnant women, as the vibrations can stimulate the baby. There is no scientific evidence that NeuroSpa is dangerous for the baby, but we prefer not to take any risks regarding the safety of your baby.

Spa Ovarium

Monday to Thursday: 10H30 to 21H
Friday to Sunday: 9H to 21H

400, rue Beaubien Est
Montréal, Quebec H2S 1S3


→ 514-271-7515
1-877-356-8837 toll-free


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