Floatation Bath: A Journey Within

Floatation Bath: A Journey Within


Floatation Bath: A Journey Within

Floatation Tank

Floatation Bath: A Journey Within

A floatation bath, also known as a sensory deprivation tank, allows you to float effortlessly, creating a feeling of weightlessness that promotes deep relaxation. Your muscles unwind, your joints decompress, and your organs regain their natural space.

Originally designed to create an environment free from external stimuli, floatation therapy provides a much-needed break from the constant bombardment of sensory input. This process helps the nervous system regenerate, reducing both stress and anxiety.

A floatation bath is also an invitation to an inner journey—whether psychological or spiritual—depending on your perspective. Introspection is essential to aligning our life choices with our deepest values. Taking the time to pause, float, and focus on this inner journey is the very essence of the floatation experience.

Exploring Your Inner World

Engaging in floatation therapy is a deeply personal experience. Some use the tranquil setting to meditate under ideal conditions, while others enter the floatation tank with a question in mind, let it go during the session, and later find an answer emerging while sipping herbal tea after floating. For many, it is the perfect opportunity to truly let go—emerging from the tank feeling lighter, freer. If you find yourself torn between logic and intuition, a floatation bath can help your consciousness expand, guiding you toward the right choices. Each person experiences floating in their own way.

The Science-Backed Benefits of Floating

Beyond its introspective and meditative qualities, floatation therapy offers numerous physical and psychosomatic benefits. Scientific studies have shown that regular float sessions can significantly reduce anxiety and chronic pain.

For example, research conducted at the Human Performance Laboratory of Karlstad University found that floatation therapy alleviates chronic pain related to stress. Among participants suffering from anxiety, depression, or fibromyalgia, more than three-quarters reported significant health improvements.

Additionally, floatation therapy has been shown to improve sleep quality, reduce fatigue, and enhance overall well-being. The sensation of weightlessness in a warm, silent sensory deprivation tank activates the body’s natural healing and regenerative systems. (Source)

The Origins of Floatation Therapy

The invention of the sensory deprivation tank is credited to Dr. John C. Lilly, an American physician and neuroscientist. In the 1950s, he developed this tool to study human consciousness by isolating the mind from external stimuli. His research paved the way for new approaches in neuroscience and psychology, ultimately contributing to the modern-day popularity of floatation therapy

For those interested in exploring the subject further, several books discuss the benefits of floating and sensory deprivation tanks. The Book of Floating by Michael Hutchison delves into the therapeutic effects of floating, while Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer by John C. Lilly offers insights into consciousness experiences in sensory isolation.

At our Floating Spa Ovarium in Montreal, we believe that everyone can discover their own reasons for floating. We invite you to share your experiences on our Facebook page and inspire others to explore the many benefits of floatation therapy.

Musique par Mansari
(extrait de l’album à venir)

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Lower Your Cortisol Levels

Lower Your Cortisol Levels


Lower Your Cortisol Levels

Float Conference

Lower Your Cortisol Levels!

A few years ago, the Float Conference took place in Denver, Colorado.

Researchers, entrepreneurs, and consciousness explorers who believe in the benefits of floating tanks gathered to share knowledge, experiences, and research findings. We were there, and we came back inspired—more convinced than ever of the importance of spreading awareness about float tanks.

Here, we share two of our favorite insights.

A Health Break

Among the various testimonials and speakers, we were particularly moved by Jerry Walker’s presentation. As a clinical psychologist working with elite U.S. Air Force operators, he helps them manage stress and cope with post-traumatic shocks that affect every aspect of their lives.

He chose the float tank as a tool to support these individuals, and the results were remarkable. Here are some key findings:

  • The 91 men and women he studied reported, on average, a 60% reduction in stress after just one float, with effects lasting several days.
  • They also experienced a 66% reduction in chronic pain after floating.
  • Many noticed improvements in both the quality and duration of their sleep.
  • The more frequently they used floating tanks, the greater the benefits they felt—and the less they relied on self-medication (such as alcohol).

Walker attributes these results to the sensory break that the float tank provides. This pause allows the nervous system to shift into relaxation and regeneration mode.

An Essential Moment of Peace

Glenn Perry, the creator of the first commercial float tank, was one of the speakers. He raised an important point that deeply resonated with us.

To navigate the challenges humanity faces today, it is essential to take moments of reflection and reconnect with our deeper resources, rather than operating in reactive mode. The floating tank provides the peace necessary to foster this connection and self-awareness—something that can truly make a difference.

The presentations by Glenn Perry and Jerry Walker reinforced our belief in the significant role that floating tanks at Ovarium have played in people’s lives for the past 37 years!

A Contagious Enthusiasm

We wish we could share the excitement of the event organizers and participants, who were inspired by the research findings and powerful testimonials of those whose lives have been transformed by floating tanks.

We returned from this conference more inspired and convinced than ever about the importance of floating!

Discover Our Monthly Memberships!

They allow you to float regularly at an affordable price.

Follow us on Facebook, where we share numerous videos about float tanks!

Musique par Mansari
(extrait de l’album à venir)

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Countering Seasonal Depression

Countering Seasonal Depression


Countering Seasonal Depression

Seasonal Depression, A Condition That Can Be Treated

Anna recently shared with us what led her to our spa and massage.

November 2024, Anna experiences a significant drop in energy for the first time. Without any apparent reason, she constantly feels tired, gets irritated easily, and gradually loses her usual good mood. “I didn’t recognize myself anymore,” she confesses. She then learns that she is suffering from seasonal depression, just like 20% of the Canadian population. A first for her! However, she doesn’t just sit back; she takes an interest in this type of depression, also known as the winter blues.

Her research leads her to discover light therapy and its direct benefits on the symptoms of seasonal depression. The PSiO, a light therapy and relaxation device available at Spa Ovarium, catches her attention. Why? “I was drawn to the combined effects of positive suggestions, light, and mental relaxation,” she mentions. Visiting the spa reassures her. “It was a unique experience, and I felt like I was becoming myself again!”

Fortunately, Anna doesn’t wait until she hits rock bottom to seek solutions for her well-being. She takes advantage of this uncomfortable period to reassess her lifestyle habits. “I set myself a goal that year: to reduce my stress level,” she tells us. She commits to adopting sustainable changes by exploring natural methods, particularly those that promote well-being beyond a single session.

Naturally curious and on the recommendation of a friend, she contacts us again that same year to experience floating therapy. Our team welcomes her and explains in detail what she is about to experience. The floating pod intrigues her, and she takes the plunge. “I never expected to lose my sense of time and space to that extent, right in the heart of Montreal!” she shares enthusiastically. “Floating weightlessly is an exceptional experience!” By eliminating all external stimuli (light, noise, temperature fluctuations, weight), she achieves an extraordinary level of deep relaxation. “And that’s an understatement,” she adds. “Plus, the effect lasted four days!” This experience reveals to her that she is constantly stimulated by her environment and had never allowed her brain to fully rest.



Determined to stick to her commitment to lasting well-being, she opts for a six-session floating therapy package “to start.” Knowing that she sometimes struggles to keep her resolutions, she wants to ensure she feels a real change. Not only does she follow through, but she also discovers an even more powerful combination for relaxation: spa with massage. “I knew it was good for me, and after the second session, I added a therapeutic massage to see if I could reach an even deeper level of relaxation.”

After discussing with Sara, a dedicated massage therapist, Anna chooses to combine her floating therapy with a therapeutic massage—enveloping, gentle, and deep—to release her tensions. “And that was total surrender,” she recounts. “A complete letting go that allowed me to truly and deeply recentre myself.” She describes restorative sleep, amplified energy, greater openness to others… and the return of her contagious good mood! Enthusiastic, Anna then explores different therapeutic massage techniques, adapting each session to her current state.

The result? These discoveries allow her to uphold her commitment by adopting healthy lifestyle habits, maintaining a rich social life, and keeping her stress levels minimal. Bravo, Anna!

Like Anna, you too can choose your own anti-stress formula and give yourself the gift of health.

Written by: Christine from MExpérience

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Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic Massage


Therapeutic Massage

not what you think

Therapeutic massage may not be what you think!


Article by David Lauterstein «To Relieve Muscle Tension, Deeper is Not Always Better» :

The article “To Relieve Muscle Tension, Deeper is Not Always Better” challenges common beliefs around deep tissue massage by explaining that depth doesn’t always equate to intensity or more pressure. While many clients and therapists assume that deeper, harder pressure means better relief, the article explains that this can actually be counterproductive, sometimes leading to increased discomfort and muscle tension.

At Ovarium, all massages ARE therapeutic!

Instead of force, true deep tissue massage focuses on the nervous system’s role in controlling muscle tension. A skilled deep tissue approach targets specific muscles or muscle layers by applying calculated and informed pressure, engaging the nervous system in a way that encourages the body to release tension naturally. This method respects the body’s structural limitations, aiming to release tension by encouraging relaxation rather than overwhelming the muscles with brute force.

One key point is that applying excessive pressure can lead to adverse effects. For clients, it can cause discomfort, bruising, and even strain or inflammation in the affected muscles. For therapists, intense pressure over time can lead to physical strain, including repetitive stress injuries that shorten careers and cause lasting harm. Lauterstein argues that effective therapeutic massage depends on the therapist’s understanding of anatomy, movement patterns, and the interconnected nature of muscle and fascia (connective tissue), rather than simply increasing pressure.

The article also addresses client expectations. Many clients equate intensity with effectiveness and may even request stronger pressure than necessary. David Lauterstein suggests that therapists educate clients about the benefits of targeted, intelligent techniques over intensity. When clients understand that deeper does not mean harder, they become more open to methods that engage muscle layers naturally, which often yield better results without discomfort.

Through a mindful approach, the therapist can better assess each client’s needs, creating customized sessions that focus on problem areas without overwhelming them. Techniques such as sustained, moderate pressure or gentle manipulation of muscle tissue provide effective relief without the risks associated with heavy pressure. By using precise techniques, therapists can achieve greater release of tension, relieve chronic pain, and improve range of motion in clients, all without the damaging effects of high-intensity force.

In conclusion, the article advocates for a refined approach to deep tissue massage. Rather than relying on pressure to achieve depth, the therapist’s goal is to connect with the muscle layers in a way that harmonizes with the nervous system’s natural responses. This results in a more effective, balanced, and ultimately safer massage experience for both clients and therapists. David Lauterstein encourages therapists to cultivate skill and knowledge, focusing on methods that optimize healing and comfort over the immediate appeal of intense pressure.

Musique par Mansari
(extrait de l’album à venir)

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The Art of the Float

The Art of the Float


Float To Recover

A winning solution for athletes

The Art of the Float: a winning solution for athletes

Intense sports are on the rise. Marathon running, CrossFit, extreme races—more and more people are pushing their limits. There are also many who train regularly, for pleasure and for health.

The following article focuses on a study conducted with athletes. We believe it is just as relevant for those who enjoy regular physical activity, whether intensive or not, as the risk of injury is very real and incapacitating for them as well.

We dedicate this article to the high-level athletes of the Citadins* de l’UQAM, of whom we are proud partners. We commend their perseverance and courage as they balance their studies and their athletic endeavors.

Spa Ovarium Team

An article: The Art of the Float

Paraphrased by Laurie-Anna Babin

A single serious injury can sometimes be all it takes to end the career of a high-level athlete. Whether it’s the risk of a sprain or severe physical trauma, the intense training and performances athletes endure often have repercussions on their health.

In Search of the Ideal Balance
Aware of the seriousness of such repercussions, professional athletes are always looking for an effective training routine that minimizes the risk of pain and injuries. But despite efforts to balance exercise and rest periods, the extreme demands of such a lifestyle make injuries unavoidable. Behind the impressive performances of athletes lies an entire array of physiotherapy and various techniques aimed at strengthening their musculoskeletal system.

Injury Prevention in the Modern Era A look at any recovery program for a high-level athlete reveals a mix of cryotherapy, acupuncture, and various tools designed to relieve knots and tears.

However, as physiotherapy continues to evolve and develop new techniques, the demands of elite sports increase in parallel. This rapid evolution pushes both researchers and athletes to explore new approaches in the hope of finding solutions to alleviate sports-related pain.

Does Floating Help with Recovery? Although many are familiar with flotation tanks, few realize they aren’t just used for relaxation. In fact, numerous studies conducted in recent years demonstrate the beneficial properties of flotation tanks on physical and mental health. The enclosed, salt-saturated water environment of the flotation tank enables complete sensory isolation, which triggers automatic body relaxation and facilitates sleep. Research also shows a reduction in the production of “corticosteroids,” one of the hormones associated with stress. Additionally, a study involving brain scans of participants revealed decreased activity in areas typically linked to mental disorders.

How Does This Apply to Sports Injuries?

Float Therapy and Reduced External Stimuli Recently, researchers from the University of Waikato in New Zealand tested the effects of Float Therapy and Reduced Environmental Stimuli (Float REST) on a group of sixty elite athletes. During the study, each athlete participated in flotation sessions.

The initial hypothesis was: “Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) and meditation are two methods frequently used by athletes to improve their performance and post-training recovery.” They also noted sleep as another strategy to enhance sports training.

Interestingly, the study referenced earlier research showing the effects of flotation on athletic abilities. One such study revealed positive results when flotation sessions were combined with visualization exercises before competitions. Improvements were seen in archery accuracy, higher tennis percentages, and better free-throw shooting in basketball.

What Were the Study’s Results? When a flotation session led to sleep, as suggested by the hypothesis, additional benefits to the athletes’ mental state were observed. “Twenty-eight out of sixty athletes reported falling asleep in the flotation tank. The average duration of sleep was estimated to be between 13 and 26 minutes. The group that fell asleep during the session had a significant advantage over those who didn’t, showing greater changes in 5 out of 16 mental state variables” (“worn out,” “comfortable,” “tense,” “fresh,” and “exhausted”).

Moreover, data tracking the athletes’ muscle soreness showed a decrease after the flotation session.

In other words, athletes noticed an improvement in muscle recovery after floating, further confirming the potential benefits of flotation for athletes dealing with chronic pain. Does that resonate with you?

Conclusion In addition to supporting existing research, this study sheds light on new findings. The beneficial use of flotation tanks as a preventive and recovery measure for athletes is thoroughly presented and could represent an innovative solution to the risk of sports injuries.

*The Citadins program encompasses all elite sports teams at the Université du Québec à Montréal.

Music by Mansari
(extract from the upcoming album)

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